Male educators of color represent less than 3% of the educational workforce. Fewer males of color are seeing teaching as an appealing career option. Male educators of color are leaving the profession at a higher rate than their counterparts.  A traditional path to leadership takes, on average, 6-7 years.  Without immediate intervention, men of color in educational leadership could reach an extinction level event within the next decade. MCEL is hyper-focused on staving off this extinction.

Join us at our Annual National Convening where male leaders of color from all over the country will engage in the discussion and the solutions, to staving off the pending extinction of our male leaders of color. From assistant principals to current and former superintendents, and higher and ed tech leaders, our Annual National Convening will be a place of growth, development, and healing. This year's theme: "Resilient Representative Leadership" will anchor our time together and guide our engagement.

“No matter your role, no matter your background, we’re glad you’re here. Together, we can make leadership a more accessible, welcoming, and sustainable experience for educators of color—and, in so doing, foster a more just and equitable future for all of our children and communities.”

Steve & Harrison (co-founders)

MCEL 8th Annual National Convening

Register Now

  • December 6 - 8, 2024
  • The Rosen Plaza Hotel
    9700 International Dr.
    Orlando, Florida
    United States